Afro and Raizal peoples Ambassador to the United Nations Colombia Gustavo Petro Indigenous peoples Leonor Zalabata Torres Peace Accords Ethnic peoples and communities caught between the legislative and executive branches Diana Alexandra Mendoza
Afro and Raizal peoples Ambassador to the United Nations Colombia Gustavo Petro Indigenous peoples Leonor Zalabata Torres Peace Accords In the construction of autonomy, education and peace Interview with Asdrúbal Plaza Calvo Diana Alexandra Mendoza
Afro-descendant Colombia Colombian government Consultation and Consent for Life Diana Mendoza Ethnic Chapter FARC guerrilla Francia Márquez Gustavo Petro Indigenous People Peace Accord Raizal communitities Vivir sabroso A new Government to Vivir sabroso or Live joyfully in Colombia Diana Alexandra Mendoza
debates global warming indigenas Kenya Lake Turkana prior consultation renewable energy Indigenous governor murdered in Colombia: the limits of the Nasa people’s resistance Diana Alexandra Mendoza
Autodeterminación autonomous protocols Colombia consulta previa debates Diana Alexandra Mendoza force of self-determination indigenas proceso de consulta previa The Force of the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples in Colombia Diana Alexandra Mendoza