Argentine Javier Milei An Unrelenting Contempt: Milei’s Offensive Against Indigenous Rights Alexia Campos
Colombia Peace Agreement Ethnic Chapter: the unfulfilled promises of peace in Colombia Asdrúbal Plaza Calvo
constitutional reform México Reforms in Mexico: cosmetic changes that fail to address the structural issues faced by Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples Elisa Cruz Rueda
Argentina Territorial Rights Case of Lhaka Honhat vs. Argentine State: Four Years After the Inter-American Court’s Ruling Morita Carrasco
Climate change Overcrowding and climate change in Panama: relocation of a Guna Community from their island to the mainland Bernal Damián Castillo Díaz
Bolivia Indigenous Government The long journey of the Autonomous Government of Ch’alla towards the exercise of its autonomy and Self-Government Sergio Vásquez Rojas
Nicaragua Territorial Rights Conflict resolution, peace, and development: the case of the Indigenous Peoples of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua Larry Salomon Pedro
Colombia Drug trafficking Indigenous People, drug trafficking and the geography of terror Efraín Jaramillo, The Jenzerá Work Collective