Ecuador Indigenous Women Community Protection Mechanisms for Women’s Rights in Ecuador Mariana Yumbay Yallico
Ecuador Sumak Kawsay The colonial face of environmental conservationism in Ecuador Alfredo Vitery Gualinga
Andes Petroleum Debates Indígenas Ecuador extractivism Fernando Payaguaje Indigenous People Pablo Ortiz-T. Petroamazonas Siekopai Ecuador: Siekopai siege, dispossession and resistance Pablo Ortiz-T.
CONAIE Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon CONFENIAE Debates Indígenas Ecuador Indigenous peoples Lola García-Alix Nemo Andi Universal Periodic Review UPR Waorani Nemo Andi: ‘We have been speaking the truth about all that is happening in the Amazon, the jungle and the Ecuadorian coast’ Lola García-Alix
Bolivia Debates Indígenas Ecuador Good Living Indigenous autonomy Indigenous peoples indigenous self-determination IWGIA Latin America Perú Plurinationality Roger Merino Plurinationality and self-determination in Latin America: reimagining the nation, reinventing the State Roger Merino
Act for Peace Alfredo Vitery Gualinga Debates Indígenas Ecuador Guillermo Lasso Indigenous peoples National Mobilization Vivir sabroso or to live well or joyfully in Colombia: an alternative to the collective trauma experienced by ethno-territorial peoples Marcela Velasco
Act for Peace Alfredo Vitery Gualinga Debates Indígenas Ecuador Guillermo Lasso Indigenous peoples National Mobilization Ecuador: National Mobilization suspended and an uncertain dialogue is established Alfredo Vitery Gualinga