Afro-descendant peoples Latin America Towards an Afro-descendant Peoples’ Declaration of Rights: An Exercise of Autonomy and Self-Determination Jhon Antón Sánchez
Bolivia Debates Indígenas Ecuador Good Living Indigenous autonomy Indigenous peoples indigenous self-determination IWGIA Latin America Perú Plurinationality Roger Merino Plurinationality and self-determination in Latin America: reimagining the nation, reinventing the State Roger Merino
Climate change Latin America Climate commitments in Latin America: An opportunity to strengthen the rights of Indigenous Peoples? Rosario Carmona
debates indigenas Indigenous autonomies Indigenous peoples Indigenous sovereignty Latin America Miguel González Self-government Indigenous Territorial Autonomy and Self-Government in the Americas: An invitation to a dialogue on territorial sovereignty and emancipation Miguel González
Asier Martínez de Bringas Collective rights of indigenous peoples debates Human rights movements indigenas Indigenous autonomies Indigenous movement Indigenous People Interculturality Latin America Plurinationality Indigenous autonomies in Latin America: a screening of their strengths and difficulties Asier Martínez de Bringas