Debates Indígenas Indigenous peoples Legal pluralims MAWARAT Mayangna Mayangna indigenous Mayangna Wahaini Ramhni Tani Nicaragua Nicaraguan Moskitia Rights of indigenous Peoples The Colonisation of Mayangna territories in Nicaragua Mayangna Wahaini Ramhni Tani (MAWARAT)
22nd Session of the Permanent Forum CEDAW Covid-19 Debates Indígenas Expert Mechanism General Recommendation No. 39 on the rights of indigenous women and girls Global Indigenous Youth Caucus Indigenous peoples Indigenous Peoples and pandemic Indigenous Women IWGIA Lola García-Alix Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Rights of indigenous Peoples Special Rapporteur The Indigenous World 2023 UN system United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Unites Nations “The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is an institutional platform by and for Indigenous Peoples” Debates Indígenas
Araucanía Armed Group Chile Chilean State Constitutional Convention Coordinadora Arauco Malleco debates Dialogue processes Gabriel Boric indigenas Indigenous peoples José Aylwin Mapuche People Pablo Policzer Rights of indigenous Peoples The possibilities of dialogue between the Chilean state and the Mapuche people José Aylwin, Pablo Policzer